Saturday, October 08, 2005

real character

I wonder how many people really remember what happened in Tiananmen Square, Beijing back in 1989? The brutal manner in which the Chinese government dealt with its critics makes a mockery of the idea that China is a "People's Republic". The bilious lefties in this country who love to scream about the crimes of Chimpy McBushitler don't have any idea what it really means to "speak truth to power".

Oxblog reminded me of this example of true courage. After seeing soldiers, policemen, armored personnel carriers (APCs) and tanks massacre his fellow protesters, one man stepped in front of a column of tanks, stared them down and brought them to a halt. We don't know the identity of the man that stopped the tanks, nor do we know his fate. One thing I do know--I want to display the same kind of courage the next time I have to choose between confronting evil or stepping aside to protect my own interests.

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