Saturday, July 29, 2006

the ten best books I've read

I recently had a discussion that prompted me to think about what books are worthy of a place on my "top 10 books of all time" list. Comparing books of different genres can be a bit like comparing apples and orange soda so I decided to give up on the "top 10" list and construct a list of my "top 5 books that I happen to remember off the top of my head--because I'm too lazy to unpack all of my books and see if I'm forgetting something--while attempting to restrict each genre to a single representative". In no particular order, I came up with:

  1. Fantasy: The Lord of the Rings -- Never before has one brilliant author inspired so many posers to follow in his footsteps. Tolkien wanted this published as one volume, so I say it's one book.
  2. Sci-Fi: Ender's Game -- Never before has one brilliant book inspired so many readers to read so many sequels that were so deeply disappointing. A litmus test for true nerd-dom is whether you love this book.
  3. Historical Analysis: On the Origins of War -- Kagan's analysis of international relations made me a neocon. It's not a book to read multiple times, but it's a book that affected my politics like few others.
  4. Comedy/Heresy: Good Omens -- Prachett and Gaimen turn the apocalypse into a laughing matter. Read the footnotes.
  5. Modern Literature: Bel Canto -- Patchett almost made me love opera. And the lovers lived happily ever after. Until they died.
  6. Inspired By God: The Bible -- I take back what I said about Tolkien. Nobody has inspired a host of posers to match the uninspired host of posers that have tried to write a better Bible than the Bible.
  7. Thriller: Sum of All Fears -- Clancy once knew how to write a complex thriller that was, well, thrilling. Alas.
  8. Classic Literature: Pride and Prejudice -- Austen's best. I love Lizzy.
  9. Mathematics Texts That I've Never Read: Fuzzy Thinking: The New Science of Fuzzy Logic -- Given the number of books I've managed to fit into my "top 5" list, I think this one surely deserves a place.

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